Analyze Experiences

 Blog Post 6: Analyze Experiences

        As I'm currently enduring my seasonal cold at the moment, the product I chose to purchase and analyze is the 'Mucinex Max Strength Cold & Flu Medicine- Day & Night Pack.' Similar to many young adults (hopefully), I occasionally still struggle to swallow pills. Therefore, I had no choice but to purchase the liquid medicine pack. All jokes aside, I found it a little more challenging to find the liquid version amidst the medicine aisle at my local Walmart in Pullman, Washington, a college town. I noticed the medicine aisle also looked a little more bare than normal, providing me with an insight that I am one of many that are feeling sick right now. As soon as I acquired the pack, I made my way to the checkout where I had to present my Driver's License to prove I am over the age of 18 years old.

    Trying something different from my regular cold and flu medicine, 'DayQuil and NyQuil', didn't leave me with many expectations. The packaging addressed everything it needed to- from the drug information to the symptoms it strives to relieve. The individual Mucinex bottles are sold at Walmart for $13.98 but the pack of both together were sold for $22.44. This is commonly known as a bundle pricing scheme where companies sell the bundle pack at a lower price than it would be to purchase the items separately. This marketing strategy is smart because "offering discounts can stimulate demand, enabling companies to perhaps sell products or services they otherwise had difficulty offloading and generate a greater volume in sales." (Liberty, 2021)

    Overall, I thought my Mucinex purchase experience went well. I recognize liquid medicine is not in high demand in a college town, but was greatly appreciative that it was in stock. Plus, it's been helping me feel better all week :)

Works Cited 

Liberto, D. (n.d.). Bundling: Definition as marketing strategy and example. Investopedia.,a%20greater%20volume%20in%20sales. 


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